
 …And The Years Went By

And you barely knew it. When thinking life’s a simple walk, think on this…every day is a story, what did you do, where did you go, and who did you meet?  Was your day full of things good and lots of laughter?  Well, now stop and think more, maybe there’s  nothing  in any day that anyone would care about, you think.  However, when writing Missy Mouse Meet’s THom Elf – Lake Harriet, Linden Hill, www.missymousemeetsthomelf.com  like any day, just one of those days, dreaming of another day and eyes closed, all things imaginary seem real almost like the dream comes true and then with eyes wide open, click on the button at Missy Mouse Meets THom Elf website that says, www.Monet’sPalate.com and let the journey begin.  This is a story of fiction, but with a lot of fact that includes location art photographs.  At Lake Harriet in Lindin Hills, with Missy Mouse and THom Elf, you are there walking the path and just like once upon a time as all fairy tales begin, imagine gentle breezes, breathtaking sunrises and sunsets,  little ground animals, ducks on the water and white sails gleaming in the sun. The day is like any day. Walking the path.

 In Charge of the Project

The book written; the artwork and photography, cover design, page layout, and manuscript by Marilyn Clare and Associates. Acknowledgements

Learning acquired is more than a systematic study of words or a topic, but in the pursuit of things new and challenging. Missy Mouse Meets THom Elf, www.missymousemeetsthomelf.com  a project example, from fable to full story to photographing thoughts on paper, to cover design, page layout, and following guide lines for manuscript submission. This project like all writing projects had a beginning, middle, and an end similar to telling a story. It’s never taken for granted that a project will end sooner or later, hurrying to get it done, but taken seriously, the project’s completion is in character and as I designed. As director; the one who identifies, describes, and refines the story and its elements, criteria, and end result, I took responsibility and built relationships with many in Linden Hills and throughout Minneapolis, Minnesota. The project began, one step, another, and another, then crescendo! Mid way, communication and hard work at peak, and when the project completion was near end—professional editing, polished formatting, finished design is carefully overseen, and delivered on time.

Ending the Story or Writing and Illustrating  to a Book’s Completion

Similar to a day at the office or just another day with so much to do, not one detail was outsourced but without those for whom gave me support, and established trust,  a file is kept,  a journal detailing processes, requirements, and specifications. Intense focus and treatment of priority and specialization and working together to the project’s completion, finding you is my joy. My reader, my friend.


Marilyn Clare

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